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A message from our Ambassadors

As Ambassadors for Children and Young People in Western Australia, particularly Aboriginal children and young people, we are proud to endorse this toolkit.

The toolkit was produced in response to the feedback shared by Aboriginal children and young people in the Listen To Us 2015 report2, and seeks to assist organisations and agencies that are invested in improving the wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people.

The toolkit focuses on the strengths of Aboriginal culture and communities as a key support for Aboriginal children and young people, and acknowledges the role that culture and community play in supporting children and young people to develop and express their views on matters that affect them. We support the development of culturally proficient, respectful and safe programs and services for our communities, which will positively contribute to the wellbeing of our children and young people.

We acknowledge that Aboriginal children and young people are one of our community's most precious assets and fully support Aboriginal-led, community based, sustainable initiatives that meaningfully engage with our children and young people and empower them to reach their leadership potential.

The toolkit is a live document that will continue to be enriched by publishing case studies and examples of best practice that outline the experiences of different programs operating throughout Western Australia. These case studies will continue to highlight the cultural diversity of Aboriginal people and communities and the resulting need for a place-based approach, in a pragmatic manner.

We look forward to the toolkit being used to support the implementation of new and informed practices that facilitate solutions developed and led by Aboriginal people and communities. These practices will improve outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people and provide them with the skills and tools needed to determine their own future, and continue building a strong and diverse Aboriginal culture for future generations.

Professor Colleen Hayward AM and Ms June Oscar AO

Ambassadors for Children and Young People



2. Commissioner for Children and Young People WA 2015, Listen To Us: Using the views of WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people to improve policy and service delivery, Commissioner for Children and Young People WA, Perth.