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Youth Week WA Photography Competition

And the winners are: Youth Week WA Photography Competition results

The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived! We're thrilled to announce the winners of the Commissioner's Photography Competition, held in celebration of Youth Week WA. After a variety of incredible submissions showcasing the talent and creativity of our state's young photographers, the judges have made their decisions. Discover our outstanding finalists and champions who've captured the essence of young people in Western Australia. And to every young photographer who entered the competition, congratulations on your inspiring contributions!

The Commissioner's Photography Competition in celebration of Youth Week WA invites the state's young people to showcase their talent and creativity through the lens. This competition is now closed. Finalists and winners will be announced during Youth Week WA 2024.

The Commissioner for Children and Young People (‘the Commissioner’) will host a Photography Competition to coincide with the Youth Week WA 2024 (YWWA) celebrations. Entry is free and open to all WA children and young people aged 10 to 17 years. Entries open Wednesday, 6 March 2024 and close 9am Tuesday, 2 April 2024.

Photographs are to have a focus on all or part of the Youth Week WA 2024 theme ‘Head. Body. Heart.’

The 2024 Youth Week WA ambassadors chose this year’s theme as a reminder for young people to check in with themselves and each other. The theme and activities aim to promote creativity, compassion and encourage young people to be their best and most authentic selves.

Below are some prompts and questions to help young people decide what they would like to photograph for their entry:

  • Is there a special place you like to visit to feel calm?

  • Is there an activity that helps you feel confident?

  • What is something you like to do that makes you happy?

  • What place, pet or person makes you feel happy?

  • Do you have a favourite hobby?

  • What physical movement activities (such as sport, dance etc) do you enjoy?

  • What is your favourite food/meal that nourishes your body (or heart, if a traditional dish or made by a loved one)?