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Calling all WA children and young people to have their say

WA children and young people have a new opportunity to have their voice regularly heard on a variety of topics by becoming one of the Commissioner for Children and Young People’s online Change Champions.

Commissioner Colin Pettit said more than 800 children and young people recently wrote to him about their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, showing their strong desire to be heard and considered in decision-making.

“Children and young people from all walks of life wanted to share their thoughts on how the pandemic affected them to help provide insight to Government and other decision makers about their needs,” Mr Pettit said. 

“Young people are very articulate in expressing their thoughts and ideas they have about the state of the world around them and listening to them is vital to getting policy and action right.

“I’m inviting all WA children and young people under the age of 18 to become one of my Change Champions and tell me what they think needs to be improved in their community.

“I encourage young people to sign up at my website and we will email you once a term to ask for your feedback on an issue of focus.

“Your views and those of other Change Champions will be used to inform my work with organisations supporting children and young people and will provide the voice of children to decision makers at all levels to consider in planning for WA’s future.”

In 2019 the Commissioner’s office surveyed almost 5,000 WA students and many reported not always feeling a sense of belonging to their community.

“Given that children and young people make up a quarter of the State’s population it is critical to listen to what they have to say on matters they say are important to them,” Mr Pettit said. 

For more information visit the Change Champions page.