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Agency Performance - Share the voices of children and young people

Share the voices of children and young people

I just want to feel equal to others

Hearing from trans and gender diverse children and young people in WA

Young people who self-identified as trans and gender-diverse shared their life experiences and challenges faced in the ‘I just want to feel equal to others’ report. The report was launched on Wear It Purple Day in August 2023, which is a day of recognition and celebration of rainbow young people.

Declining mental health, feeling disconnected within the community and concerns about safety were some of the identifi ed key areas of concern. Barriers in accessing support in healthcare and mental health settings such as the lack of awareness about gender diversity, limited availability and fears of breach of confi dentiality were discussed by focus group members.

A full report and a child and young people friendly version were printed and distributed to government and non-government organisations, with additional copies provided to those directly supporting trans and gender diverse young people.

  Read the 'I Just Want to Feel Equal to Others' Report.

Insights from the Speaking Out Survey 2021

The views of WA children and young people on their wellbeing by education region 
A report identifying the similarities and differences across the regions in WA was published in November 2023. ‘Insights from the Speaking Out Survey 2021: The views of WA children and young people on their wellbeing by education region’ highlighted key areas where services or developments at the community level made a difference to children and young people’s lives.

Most children and young people reported their general health as good, very good or excellent, and there is a parent or another adult at home who listens to them when they have something to say. Most liked school a lot or a bit, and felt it was very or somewhat important to be at school every day.

Many regional and remote children and young people shared that they do not have access to the same outdoor or recreational facilities available in the metropolitan area, with students in the Kimberley and Pilbara much less likely to feel safe in their local area than students in other regions.

 Read the Report.

The health and wellbeing of children and young people with disability and complex needs
An extension of the Speaking Out Survey 2021 was focused on sharing the perspectives of students between 8 and 17 years with disability and complex needs. The report was published in November 2023 and highlighted the views of 545 children and young people with disability and complex needs. This included students supported by the WA Department of Education’s Schools of Special Educational Needs.

Self-reported data from the participating students indicated that they feel safe and supported in their homes, schools and in their communities. Barriers that students highlighted which limit their participation in schools and communities included low expectations from others, limited opportunities and inaccessible processes.

Students who participated in this survey spoke about how proud they felt to have their say.

 Read what they had to say in the Report.

Talking About Vaping

A report sharing the findings from the Commissioner’s ‘Talking about vaping’ survey was published in October 2023. ‘Talking about vaping: WA young people’s views and experiences of e-cigarettes’. 

This report was circulated widely throughout the State with media interest resulting in several televised news items and numerous newspaper and online articles.

The ‘Talking about vaping’ survey revealed that almost 30 per cent of respondents had tried vaping. Common themes were identified such as the majority of participants saying it was easy to get a vape, the taste/flavour is what appeals to them and that peer pressure and a desire to fit in make vaping appealing to young people.

A majority of respondents said they wish their peers knew how bad vaping really is and many wished adults would give them more strategies to overcome the immense social pressure to vape and advice on how to stop.

 Read the 'Talking About Vaping' Report.


Speaking Out About Girls’ Wellbeing

The ‘Speaking Out About Girls’ Wellbeing’ report amplified the voices of 938 young people to better understand the gender wellbeing gap between female and male young people. This extension survey was conducted due to concerning data and trends identified in the Speaking Out Survey 2021.

Participants shared their perspectives on some of the key areas identified as impacting wellbeing: self-esteem, transition from primary to high school, belonging and gender inequality.

Based on the words of the young people participating in the survey, recommendations to help girls feel safe, supported, good about themselves and that they belong were summarised for young people, families and other supporting adults and for schools.

The report was published both in print and digital formats in November 2023 and circulated widely throughout the state with a focus on education providers to share with their staff and students. Media interest across print and radio shared the findings and recommendations from within this report.

 Read about Girls' Wellbeing.

Stand Up, Be Heard Report

The report contains findings from 97 year nine students from 13 schools in the Perth metropolitan area who attended the Stand Up, Be Heard Youth Forum in June 2023 to discuss the importance of young people advocating for themselves and the issues that are important to them.

Participants in the one-day forum workshopped approaches to tackle the perceived barriers, identifying ways to build young people’s confidence, skills and resilience. Key findings from the ‘Stand Up, Be Heard’ report, released in November 2023, indicated many young people felt confident speaking up about issues that were important to them but were unsure of how to do so effectively, with many believing they would not be listened to if they did voice their opinions.

 Read the 'Stand Up, Be Heard' Report.


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