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Merredin College Advisory Committee

The Merredin College Advisory Committee is a group of young people aged 11 to 18 from WA’s Wheatbelt.

The students are part of the school’s leadership team or active participants in local community boards. These young people said they wanted to be part of the advisory committee because they want to help WA young people to have safe, accessible, child-friendly spaces.


24 October 2020

Advisory Committee members came together for a final meeting for the year and gave their feedback on draft resources encouraging young people to speak up when needing to raise a complaint.

Due to the disruptions of 2020, the committee will continue in their role into 2021 to further their work on the impact of the living environment on children and young people’s wellbeing.

20 August 2020

Advisory Committee members came together for a second meeting for the year. The group gave their views on a project the Commissioner’s office has been working on to help children and young people to make complaints and raise concerns.

The group discussed steps they could take to help friends who feel unsafe or needed to raise a concern while at a club or organisation. They also discussed what clubs and organisations could do to make it easier to speak up and reviewed a poster providing tips on how to go about making a complaint.

12 March 2020

The Commissioner visited Merredin College to meet with the committee members. The Commissioner was keen to hear their views on how living environments (including physical, natural and social environments) impact on the health and wellbeing of young people in Merredin. The group also discussed how they could make a difference in highlighting important issues occurring in their community.

In light of the emerging developments in response to COVID-19, shortly after the March meeting it was recognised the Advisory Committee could not operate per normal for the year. The meetings and activities of the Committee were scaled back to adapt to the changing circumstances.

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