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Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees of children and young people aged under 18 years are appointed by the Commissioner. Twenty-three advisory committees have been appointed since 2010.

The Advisory Committees contribute directly to the Commissioner’s work, giving children and young people a say on important matters affecting their wellbeing.

2022 Advisory Committees

The Commissioner appointed two advisory committees that informed the girls’ wellbeing project. The focus on girls' wellbeing was a result of the Commissioner’s Speaking Out Surveys of WA students that identified female young people consistently rated their wellbeing below that of their male peers, reporting higher rates of stress, low life satisfaction and not feeling happy about themselves.

2020 Advisory Committees

In early 2020, the Commissioner formed two advisory committees to inform the office's work on the living environment and how it impacts on the wellbeing of children and young people in Western Australia. The committees are the Millennium Kids Advisory Committee and Merredin College Advisory Committee:

2018 Advisory Committees

In early 2018, the Commissioner formed two advisory committees to inform the office's work on the wellbeing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex children and young people in Western Australia. The committees include the Perth LGBTI Advisory Committee and the Bunbury Senior High School Advisory Committee.