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Supporting trans and gender diverse children and young people in schools 2018

Supporting trans and gender diverse children and young people in schools

This free seminar held on 25 October 2018 brought together students, families, school staff, and relevant organisations to improve understanding and awareness about the experiences of trans and gender diverse students, and ways to create inclusive and supportive school environments.

The event included presentations and a panel to hear from young people from the Commissioner for Children and Young People's Perth LGBTI Advisory Committee, Inclusive Education WA and professionals working in the field. A range of organisations hosted stalls and provided information on the evening to attendees.

To view the seminar presentation, go to the LGBTI Advisory Committee resources page. This page also contains a case study and four video resources created by the Commissioner's advisory committees which will be used in schools and available to any organisation working with children and young people to help develop inclusive policies and protocols to create safe, inclusive environments for LGBTI children and young people.