Middle Years Forums 2011 and 2012
In 2011 and 2012 the Commissioner hosted middle years’ forums with renowned interstate guest speakers and local child health and education advocates and practitioners.
In 2012 in partnership with the Department for Communities and the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY), the Commissioner held a program of three Middle Years events; a master class with practitioners working with Aboriginal children, a parent information session and a seminar.
- Report of the 2012 Middle Years Seminar Series
- The middle years: developmental challenges for all concerned by Professor David Bennett - 2011 Middle Years Forum presentation
- The foundation years by Professor George Patton – 2011 Middle Years Forum presentation
- Building resilience in middle childhood by Lyn Worsley – 2012 Middle Years Forum presentation
- The impact of the middle years on social and emotional development by Julian Dooley – 2012 Middle Years Forum presentation
- Social and emotional development in the middle school years by Bill Boylan – 2012 Middle Years Forum presentation
- The Resilience Doughnut - a model for building resilience in children