The 2024 Play Summit focused on Children's right to play (Article 31 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child) and brought together educators, professionals and young people to elevate the status of play.
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The Stand Up, Be Heard youth forum took place in June 2023.
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The Vulnerability Speaker Series united government leaders, staff from the community service sector, policy experts and academics. Their mission: tackle challenges that faced by vulnerable youth in WA and shape potent strategic solutions.
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To progress the discussion on improving policy, prevention and responses to harmful sexual behaviours the Commissioner hosted a free seminar in June 2018. The seminar provided an opportunity for leaders, policy makers and practitioners to hear from leading Australian experts in addressing harmful sexual behaviour in children and young people.
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This seminar brought together students, families, school staff, and relevant organisations to improve understanding and awareness about the experiences of trans and gender diverse students, and ways to create inclusive and supportive school environments.
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The 2016-17 Thinker in Residence is e-mental health researcher and advocate Professor Jane Burns. Professor Jane Burns is Professor of Innovation and Industry at The University of Sydney in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Her work focuses on driving practical and positive change in the community and the mental health sector, with a priority on uniting young people with researchers, practitioners and innovators to explore the role of technology in improving mental health programs and services.
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An initiative that lets young people who experienced homelessness express themselves and their views through photography.
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In 2016 the Commissioner for Children and Young People WA hosted a seminar to report the findings of its consultation with nearly 300 children and young people from CALD backgrounds in WA.
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In 2015 the Commissioner for Children and Young People WA hosted a seminar to report the findings of its landmark consultation report “Listen to Us”.
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The Commissioner for Children and Young People WA hosted a forum during Children’s Week in 2015 on how to address bullying behaviour in children and young people.
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The Commissioner supported the involvement of primary and high school students in this innovative musical production that involved them transforming sounds from their lives and communities into music using special computer software.
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International expert in child resilience Dr Michael Ungar visited Perth in 2014, offering new perspectives on a community-wide approach to building resilience in children and young people, particularly those who are vulnerable or who have complex needs.
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In 2014 the Commissioner hosted a seminar to discuss best practice programs to improve the wellbeing of children and young people in WA.
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During Children’s Week 2013, the Commissioner held two fully-subscribed seminars at which Canadian researcher and social worker Dr Michael Ungar spoke to more than 500 parents and professionals about how to build resilience in children and young people.
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Several leading arts practitioners took part in this seminar and they spoke passionately about their innovative projects and how children and young people have influenced productions and the final creative outcome.
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Canadian early childhood expert, Dr Stuart Shanker, examined the function and application of self-regulation as a factor in improving the wellbeing of children and young people in Western Australia.
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In 2012, the Commissioner hosted an early years seminar featuring a keynote address by leading Canadian child development researcher Dr Clyde Hertzman.
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In 2011 and 2012 the Commissioner hosted middle years’ forums with renowned interstate guest speakers and local child health and education advocates and practitioners.
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Paul Collard, chief executive of the non-government organisation Creativity, Culture and Education in the UK, investigated the potential for creativity in education and cultural experiences to strengthen the wellbeing of children and young people in Western Australia.
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Five young people joined leading Western Australian drug and alcohol researchers at the forum to talk about the harmful impact of alcohol on children and young people.
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The role of contemporary arts programs in increasing the innovation of children and young people was explored at the Educating for Innovation seminar at Edith Cowan University and Rio Tinto and was attended by nearly 100 education and arts representatives.
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Perth artist Lewis Horne worked with Sudanese young people from the PROSPECT group in Port Kennedy, Aboriginal students from Melville Senior High School and young people from Youth Reach South in Cockburn to create five Talking Couches.
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To mark Children’s Week 2010, the Commissioner for Children and Young People hosted a forum that focused on child and adolescent mental health.
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iBUILD is a project that gave a group of children and young people a say about how the spaces and places in their communities (the built environment) could be improved for children and young people.
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Using the arts to engage and activate kids was the focus of a seminar held by Commissioner for Children and Young People WA in partnership with the Perth International Arts Festival and the Department of Culture and the Arts. More than 50 people from government and community organisations attended and heard from international specialists and local young people about their experiences in community art projects.
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