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Key Performance Indicators

Key Effectiveness Indicators

Key Effectiveness Indicator 1.1

Extent to which children and young people in various regions of the State are consulted.


It is a responsibility of the Commissioner to consult with a broad range of children and young people throughout WA each year. The scope and goals for this are set out in the Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2006 and the Strategic Plan. 

Consultation will comprise a number of discrete projects, involving the Commissioner (or the staff of the office, or a consultant/contractor employed to act on the Commissioner’s behalf) seeking the considered views of children and young people on a range of issues in both metropolitan and regional locations across Western Australia.

Target 2019–20

1,500 children and young people consulted.


Note 1 - This is the third year of reporting on this KPI.

Note 2 - The number of children and young people consulted in the 2018–19 financial year exceeded 2019–20 due to the Speaking Out Survey, which was a large scale research project undertaken on a triennial basis. This survey was not repeated in 2019–20.

Note 3 - In 2019–20, COVID-19 social isolation restrictions (March–June 2020) impacted the traditional modes of consulting with young people face-to-face. The Commissioner’s online platforms were enhanced as a means of engaging with children and young people and hearing about their experiences during COVID-19. The online number represents children and young people from metropolitan and regional areas. The identification of regional participants was not possible across all the online platforms, therefore the volume of responses have been collated together.

Note 4 - Corporate Executive members met in early August 2020 to discuss the revision of KPI targets and agreed to keep the targets for 2020–21 at current levels. Over the next 12 months a planned approach to the revision of the targets will take place. This approach will include consideration of services that have been impacted by COVID-19, the potential expansion of online operations, the development of a new five year strategic plan scheduled for December 2020, involvement of the Internal Audit Committee and consultation with Treasury and the Attorney General.

Key Effectiveness Indicator 1.2

Extent to which issues impacting upon children and young people are researched, advocated and promoted.


The Commissioner’s role includes analysis and interpretation of information collected through consultation and research processes to identify issues and trends affecting children and young people.  The Commissioner is responsible for making representations that explore the impact of these issues and advocate for, and promote the views of children and young people and what is in the best interests of their wellbeing.

Target 2018–19

200 representations


Note 1 - This KPI was reported for the first time in 2017–18 to better reflect the work of the Commissioner’s office as the role has developed since its inauguration in 2007. Corporate Executive members met in early August 2020 to discuss the revision of KPI targets and agreed to keep the targets for the 2020–21 at current levels.
Over the next 12 months a planned approach to the revision of the targets will take place. This approach will include consideration of services that have been impacted
by COVID-19, the potential expansion of online operations, the development of a new five year strategic plan scheduled for December 2020, involvement of the internal
Audit Committee and consultation with Treasury and the Attorney General.

Note 2 - In 2019–20 COVID-19 social distancing restrictions (March–June 2020) impacted some traditional modes of representations. The number of forums, seminars,
speeches and presentations were significantly lower than previous years, whilst there was a notable increase in strategic advocacy meetings, which could continue to occur in online meeting formats during the COVID-19 restrictions.

Note 3 - Improved data capturing processes over the last three years has increased the number of meetings recorded.

Key Efficiency Indicators

Consultation, research and the promotion of the wellbeing of children and young people are a responsibility of the Commissioner for Children and Young People and the scope and goals for this are prescribed in the Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2006. The key efficiency indicators measure the level of resources used to deliver the services.


The unit cost per child in 2019–20 was less than the target. This is due to the total number of children participating being greater than the target number. The number of children and young people consulted in 2018–19 was greater than in 2019–20, thus the unit cost per child was lower in 2018–19. The number of children and young people participating in consultations varies according to the projects undertaken.

The unit cost per representation in 2019–20 was less than the target. This is due to the actual number of representations being greater than the target number. The number and types of representations made varies according to the projects undertaken.

The existing KPI targets have been reported for three years, and Corporate Executive members met in early August 2020 to discuss the revision of KPI targets and agreed to keep the targets for the 2020–21 at current levels. Over the next 12 months, a planned approach to the revision of the targets will take place. This approach will include consideration of services that have been impacted by COVID-19, the potential expansion of online operations, the development of a new five year strategic plan scheduled for December 2020, involvement of the Internal Audit Committee and consultation with Treasury and the Attorney General.

Explore the 2019-20 Annual Report