Disclosures and legal compliance
Good governance
Internal audit
Under the WA government Common Use Agreement (CUA) CCYP engaged Braxford Consulting to provide internal audit services on the compulsory procurement compliance and also for its financial operations compliance.
No high risks requiring urgent management attention were noted in respect of current procedures and compliance with the current government reporting requirement.
Risk management
The management of risk and associated risk mitigation strategies continued to be a focus in 2018−19. A formal review of any identified corporate risks (e.g. human resources, integrity and conduct, ICT governance including cyber security) is incorporated into the monthly Corporate Executive meeting agenda and in all templates for project management.
Financial management
A monthly financial management report is provided for endorsement at all Corporate Executive meetings. The Financial Management Manual is constantly reviewed and updated by the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer to ensure currency with legislative and policy changes.
Policies and procedures
CCYP policies and procedures are reviewed, updated regularly and new policies added to the Commissioner’s Corporate Governance Framework once endorsed by Corporate Executive.
Ministerial directives
Except under Section 26 of the Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2006 the Commissioner is not subject to direction by a Minister, or any other person in the performance of his functions.
There were no directions under Section 26 of the Act in 2018−19.
Other financial disclosures
Board and Committee Remuneration
The Commissioner for Children and Young People does not have any State Boards or Committees as defined in the Premier’s Circular 2010/02 – State Government Boards and Committees.
Employment and Industrial Relations
At 30 June 2019, the Commissioner for Children and Young People employed 17 staff (including one person on maternity leave), the equivalent of 14.7 full-time employees (FTE) which is an increase in staff from the previous year.
Staff summary at 30 June 2019
In addition, CCYP has a school-based trainee working two days per week.
In December 2018 the average tenure for the Commissioner’s staff is 8.2 years, compared to 9.1 years for the WA public sector entities. 64.3% of the Commissioner’s workforce has been working at the entity for less than five years, this compares to 44.8% WA public sector wide.
Females comprised 92.9% of the Commissioner’s workforce compared to 72.5% within the Western Australian public sector entities.
The Commissioner’s office does not have any employees working in regional areas.
Staff development
Staff training and development continues to be a high priority for the Commissioner. All staff participate in Performance Appraisal and Development (PAD) agreement sessions with their line manager at the beginning of the year. The PAD sessions provide a framework for planning, developing, reviewing and appraising the work of individual staff members with reference to the Commissioner’s strategic directions, Our approach and priorities 2016–2020 and the Commissioner’s annual business/operational plan. The public sector’s Capability Frameworks, Capability profile: levels 1–6 and the Leadership Capability profiles (level 7 to class 4) are also used as part of the appraisal process.
Monies spent for professional development for the Commissioner’s staff was over $29,000 for the 2018−19 financial year, this represents an average amount of $1,900 per staff member.
The Commissioner’s staff have attended a range of professional development seminars/conferences and training associated with corporate governance, cyber security, finance and procurement, human resource management and information, social media, communication and technology. All staff attended an Aboriginal cultural awareness workshop in May 2019. All line managers and Corporate Executive members attended an injury management for line managers and workers compensation session by RiskCover, and most staff attended a session on email payment fraud. The CCYP Safety and Health Representative attended a full week training session on workplace safety and health.
Conferences/seminars specific to the work of the office of the Commissioner for Children and Young People that were attended by the Commissioner’s staff included:
- Centre for Social Impact - Outcomes Measurement Workshop
- YACWA Conference
- FASD and Justice workshop
- Leadership WA 'Rising Leadership Program'
- Yorga Djenna Bidi Aboriginal Leadership Program
- Gender Equity Insights
- Generating Public Value Through Risk-based Regulation Single
- Women in Leadership Summit
- Deliverology Workshop
- Lowitja Conference
- Australasian Youth Justice Conference
- Australian National University Future Shapers Forum
Worker’s compensation
There were no worker’s compensation claims in 2018–19. The Commissioner’s office complies with the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 and Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular 2012/05 and ensures any work-related injuries are managed and reported in accordance with these requirements.
The Hazard Identification Checklist and quarterly inspections have continued during 2018–19 with the latest inspection being held in April 2019. The results of these inspections are tabled at Corporate Executive meetings, and any findings or issues addressed immediately.
Governance disclosures
The Commissioner has no governance disclosures to make.
Contracts with Senior Officers
At the date of reporting, no senior officers, or firms of which senior officers are members, or entities in which senior officers have substantial interests, had any interests in existing or proposed contracts with the Commissioner for Children and Young People other than normal contracts of employment of service.
Other legal requirements
Section 175ZE of the Electoral Act 1907 requires public agencies to report details of expenditure to organisations providing services in relation to advertising, market research, polling, direct mail and media advertising. The agency has not incurred expenditure of this nature.
Disability access and inclusion plan
The Commissioner for Children and Young People’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016–2020 is currently being reviewed.
The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016–2020 is available to all staff. The plan forms part of the Commissioner’s standard induction information and is available in the records management system of the Commissioner’s office and on the website.
Compliance with Public Sector Standards and ethical codes
The Commissioner for Children and Young People has a strong commitment to promoting integrity in official conduct and is committed to achieving high standards of monitoring and ensuring compliance with the Public Sector Standards, the Western Australian Public Sector Code of Ethics and the office’s Code of Conduct. The Corporate Executive, which includes the Commissioner, leads and promotes these standards within the office.
The office has policies, procedures and processes that support the application of:
- the WA Public Sector Code of Ethics
- the WA Public Sector Standards in Human Resources Management
- the Commissioner’s Code of Conduct and Management of Conflict of Interest Policy
- a family-friendly workplace.
During 2018–19 the Commissioner held regular staff meetings where any matters relevant to Public Sector Standards could be raised and discussed.
There are standing items on the Corporate Executive agenda that refer to Related Party Disclosures, Conflict of Interest, Integrity and Conduct matters and ICT Governance issues.
Compliance with Public Sector Standards
The Commissioner has established procedures to ensure compliance with s31(1) of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.
No Breach of Standard Claims were lodged in the current reporting period.
Compliance with the Western Australia Public Sector Code of Ethics
There has been no evidence of non-compliance with the Public Sector Code of Ethics.
Compliance with the Commissioner for Children and Young People Code of Conduct
There has been no evidence of non-compliance with the Commissioner’s Code of Conduct. There were no public interest disclosures about the activities of the Commissioner’s office.
Recordkeeping Plan
In 2019 and in accordance with section 19 of the State Records Act 2000 and State Records Commission Standard 2 (Principle 6), the Commissioner’s office appointed Information Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd to review the office’s record management/keeping practices and to subsequently evaluate and update the Recordkeeping Plan. The updated 2019 Recordkeeping Plan now provides an accurate reflection of how recorded information is created and managed within the organisation and which must be subsequently complied with by the Commissioner’s staff. The 2019 Recordkeeping Plan has been submitted to the State Records Office of Western Australia for their endorsement.
Recordkeeping training and induction program and evaluation
All new staff undertake online training in Record Management Awareness and Content Manager (Electronic Document Management System).
During 2018–19 a new version of Content Manager was installed and information about the new Electronic Document Management System was provided to staff via one-on-one instruction by request, email updates and other reference material. The training materials were revised to reflect the look and feel of the new Content Manager software.
Staff are regularly updated and reminded about their recordkeeping responsibilities by email.
Government policy requirements
Substantive equality
The Commissioner for Children and Young People is not required to implement the Government’s Policy Framework for Substantive Equity but supports the intent and substance of the Policy Framework for Substantive Equality.
Reconciliation Action Plan
All work undertaken by the Commissioner for Children and Young People is underpinned by the legislative requirement to have special regard for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people which ensures that the principles identified within the Reconciliation Action Plan are integrated into all office procedures and practices. These include:
- A review and evaluation of the implementation of the RAP 2018–2019, resulting in an updated RAP for July 2018–July 2020
- Acknowledgement of traditional ownership in all speeches by the Commissioner in 2018–19
- Development and distribution of a Statement of Commitment to Western Australia’s children and young people
- In planning regional visits, the Commissioner respects cultural authority and requests permission from Elders to visit communities and engage with their young people
- All submissions to the Corporate Executive are reviewed to consider and identify any implications for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people
- Any consultations conducted by or on behalf of the Commissioner for Children and Young People must include young Aboriginal people or their representatives where appropriate
- Participation of all staff in Aboriginal cultural workshops determined by mapping staff understanding against an Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework
- Display of art by young Aboriginal people in the Commissioner’s office.
Occupational safety, health and injury management
Active and continuous improvement in safety management at CCYP demonstrates the Commissioner and staff’s dedication to this aspect of office life. On 1 May 2019 an email was sent to all staff outlining the Commissioner’s commitment to a safe and healthy workplace. This was in response to the WA State Government’s vision for occupational safety and health.
CCYP’s Occupation Safety and Health Policy is reviewed annually and the Injury Management Policy was updated in March 2019 to reflect new Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular 2018-03 Code of Practice: Occupational Safety and Health in the Western Australian public sector. The revision was endorsed by Corporate Executive and all staff informed of the revised policy by email. The revised policy incorporates a documented injury management system in accordance with the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981, and confirmation that return to work programs are developed in accordance with this Act. The policy is available to all staff at all times on CCYP’s electronic document management system.
Occupational safety and health is a standing item on the monthly Corporate Executive meeting agenda and on the monthly staff meeting agenda. This enables any staff to raise a concern if required. CCYP has a dedicated occupational safety and health staff representative who conducts Workplace Safety Hazard Inspections every three months that are then tabled at Corporate Executive meetings for notation.
The Commissioner, all senior staff and the Senior Finance Officer have received training in injury management this financial year, this equates to 100% of management and supervisory staff.
Through proactive management, financial and physical resources are provided to allow the purchase of health and safety equipment and the implementation of safety procedures. All workstations have been provided with an Ergotron sit-stand desk attachment and recently all staff were given the opportunity for a workstation ergonomic assessment. Each person that opted for the assessment was provided with information on:
- safe work practices
- good working postures
- how to adjust workstation equipment/furniture to achieve good working postures.
The agency has undertaken an audit and self-assessment of its occupational safety and health management system using the WorkSafe Plan methodology, as described in WorkSafe Plan Information and Workbook: For assessment of workplace safety and health management, published in 2018.
As well as the measures indicated above, there are other formal and informal mechanisms in place for consultation with the Commissioner’s staff on occupational safety and health matters:
- All staff are issued with the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) policy and procedures during their induction process, and an officer conducts a one-to-one discussion on these procedures
- Health and safety issues are discussed at staff meetings as issues arise
- Four staff members have attended first aid training.
There have been no critical incidents to report for the 2018–19 year.
Occupational safety and health data in this reporting period