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About us

Our vision

That all children and young people are heard, are healthy and safe, reach their potential and are welcomed as valued members of the community and in doing so we build a brighter future for the whole community.

Our values

Respectful, inclusive, creative, positive, determined and independent

What we do

The Commissioner’s work is underpinned by the Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2006 (the Act).

The Act outlines the guiding principles, powers and functions of the office. In accordance with statutory obligations, the Commissioner:

  • advocates for children and young people
  • promotes the participation of children and young people in decision making that affects their lives
  • promotes and monitors the wellbeing of children and young people in the community
  • monitors the way in which government agencies investigate or otherwise deal with complaints from children and young people
  • monitors trends in complaints made by children and young people to government agencies
  • initiates and conducts inquiries into any matter affecting the wellbeing of children and young people
  • monitors, reviews and makes recommendations on laws, policies, programs and services affecting the wellbeing of children and young people
  • promotes public awareness and understanding of matters relating to the wellbeing of children and young people
  • conducts, coordinates and sponsors research into matters relating to the wellbeing of children and young people
  • consults with children and young people from a broad range of socio-economic backgrounds and age groups throughout Western Australia each year.

The Act requires the Commissioner to give priority to, and have a special regard for, the interests and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people and children and young people who are vulnerable or disadvantaged for any reason.

Under the Act, the Commissioner is not able to deal with complaints made by, or on behalf of, individuals; however, he may respond to issues that identify possible systemic matters that affect the wellbeing of children and young people more broadly.

Our guiding principles

As outlined in the Act:

  • children and young people are entitled to live in a caring and nurturing environment, protected from harm and exploitation
  • the contributions made by children and young people to the community should be recognised for their value and merit
  • the views of children and young people on all matters affecting them should be given serious consideration and taken into account
  • parents, guardians, families and communities have the primary role in safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of their children and young people and should be supported in carrying out this role.

Our approach

Our work has regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and is informed by the views and opinions of children and young people and the best available knowledge and evidence of what works well.

Colin Pettit, Commissioner for Children and Young People

Colin Pettit was appointed the Commissioner for Children and Young People WA in November 2015.

Colin has spent his career working to improve the wellbeing of children and young people, particularly in delivering education services and programs to children and young people living in regional and remote areas of Western Australia.

Colin has worked with children, young people, families and communities all over the State as a teacher and then principal in a number of regional schools, before holding the role of Executive Director Regional and Remote Education at the Western Australian Department of Education for three years.

Between 2010 and 2015, Colin was the Secretary of Education for the Tasmanian Department of Education. He is a former President of the Western Australian Primary Principals’ Association and Deputy President of the Australian Primary Principals’ Association.

In 2019, Colin was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Education from Edith Cowan University. He is an Ambassador for Barking Gecko Theatre, Valuing Children Initiative and a member of the Great to Eight governance committee.


The Commissioner is an independent statutory officer and reports directly to the Parliament of Western Australia. The Commissioner is able to table reports in the Parliament, conduct inquiries and require agencies to provide information on matters relating to children and young people’s wellbeing.

The Parliament has a Joint Standing Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People to regularly consult with the Commissioner and monitor, review and report to Parliament on the Commissioner’s exercise of his functions under the Act.

The Commissioner formally met with the Committee twice in 2019−20. The Committee is chaired by the Hon. Dr Sally Elizabeth Talbot MLC.

More information about the Committee is available from the Parliament of Western Australia website.

Commissioner’s leadership team

Natalie Hall – Director Policy, Monitoring and Research

Natalie Hall was appointed to the role of Director in 2020 after five years as Principal Policy Officer. Natalie’s career in advocating for children and young people has spanned 30 years, with leadership roles at the (then) Department of Child Protection, Parkerville Children and Youth Care and the George Jones Child Advocacy Centre. Natalie has a Bachelor of Social Work and a Graduate Diploma of Criminal Justice.

Vicki Jack – Director Aboriginal Engagement

Vicki Jack joined the Commissioner’s team in January 2019 as Director, Aboriginal Engagement. Vicki has a strong background in education and community development and has worked for the past 35 years with Aboriginal communities, families and people across rural, regional and remote WA. Previous roles include school principal, director roles within the Departments of Education and Communities and in the private sector with Rio Tinto.

Paula Campbell – Manager Engagement and Communication

Paula Campbell began her career as a newspaper journalist in NSW. She held a range of corporate communication roles across government in the tourism, health and environment sectors before joining the Commissioner’s office in 2014. Paula holds a Bachelor of Communication Studies.

Caroline Brasnett – Manager Corporate Services

Caroline Brasnett joined the Commissioner in 2016, after 43 years with the Department of Education in a range of education and managerial roles both in schools, including deputy principal of Western Australia’s second largest school, and in central administration with roles involving human resources, risk management, and copyright and intellectual property. This was followed by a year at the Schools’ Curriculum and Standards Authority.

Organisation Chart

Ambassadors for Children and Young People

The Commissioner for Children and Young People has 15 Ambassadors for Children and Young People. The Ambassador initiative recognises eminent people living in Western Australia who have a significant role in the community and commitment to supporting children and young people and their families.

The Ambassadors work with the Commissioner to increase community awareness and understanding of factors that impact children and young people’s wellbeing and where appropriate, provide support and guidance in the projects undertaken by the Commissioner and his staff.

During the year, Professor Stephen Zubrick and the Commissioner were interviewed by Jessica Strutt from ABC Radio Perth to help raise awareness about WA’s vulnerable children and young people and what can be done to improve outcomes.

Western Australia’s Ambassadors for Children and Young People are:

Winthrop Professor Donna Cross
Mrs Annie Fogarty AM
Mr Ricky Grace AM
Dr Robert Isaacs AM OAM JP PhD (Hon)
Mrs Tonya McCusker AM
Ms June Oscar AO
Dr Donald Payne
His Honour Judge Denis Reynolds
Ms Linda Savage
Hon. Barbara Scott OAM
Dr Casta Tungaraza
Ms Dawn Wallam
Mr David Wirrpanda
Mr Russell Woolf
Winthrop Professor Stephen Zubrick

Performance management framework

The Commissioner for Children and Young People’s Performance Management Framework is consistent with the State Government goal of Strong Communities: Safe communities and supported families.

Desired outcome for the Commissioner for Children and Young People

The views and issues of children and young people are heard and acted upon.

Key Effectiveness Indicators

  • Extent to which children and young people in various regions of the state are consulted
  • Extent to which issues impacting upon children and young people are researched, advocated and promoted
  • Extent to which public awareness is engaged on issues impacting upon the wellbeing of children and young people

Service undertaken by the Commissioner for Children and Young People

Consultation, research and promotion of the wellbeing of children and young people.

Key Efficiency Indicators

  • Unit cost per child
  • Unit cost per representation


The Commissioner’s strategic plan, Our approach and priorities: 2016–2020, outlines the broad focus areas of the Commissioner for Children and Young People and aims to both inform and engage the community in the work of the Commissioner.

The work of the office for this reporting period is outlined under the strategic plan’s three key platforms:

  1. Promoting the rights, voices and contributions of children and young people
  2. Monitoring and advocacy to strengthen the wellbeing of all WA children and young people
  3. Prioritising the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people.

The Commissioner’s 2020–2025 strategic plan will be released in the 2020–21 financial year.